Current News
Invest in the young
Factors that affect adolescents’ health are multifactorial and must be addressed holistically at...
Worrying trends for maternal and children health
The health status of women, mothers and children in Malaysia must be addressed...
A comprehensive survey
The Institute of Public Health (IKU) released two National Health and Morbidity Surveys...
Tacking complex and sensitive issues
The Ministry of Health (MoH) provides access to comprehensive, quality healthcare services through its...
A dedicated health fund
Government funding will comprise most of the health fund’s budget, though future financing...
Walking among giants
Inspired by the greats of orthopaedic surgery BY DR JONAS FERNANDEZ Walking along...
Managing digital eye strain
Prevention is the main strategy in addressing digital eye strain BY KHIRTINI K...
Innovations in corrective eyewear
You can now wear contact lenses for longer hours, thanks to new technology...
A closer look at MERS
Due to its respiratory presentation, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is often misdiagnosed...
Precision medicine: Data is the new gold
In this second of a series of articles on precision medicine, we look...
Trauma: Understanding the battle within
A person’s everyday activity, interpersonal interactions, and general well-being may all be significantly...
Mental health time bomb
We have to take a serious relook at the state of mind of...
Aiding vapers to quit
More research is needed to determine the optimum option for e-cigarette quitting BY...
How movies affect us
We are learning much more about how the brain performs thanks to neuroscience....
5 things we now know about myasthenia gravis
For Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month in June, discover more about the disease, learn...