On Nov 1, 2021, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin unveiled the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Industry Blueprint 2021-2025.
It is an industry-driven Blueprint championed by the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) to guide industry stakeholders in providing the best Malaysian healthcare travel experience by 2025.
The Ministry of Health (MoH) Secretary-General, Dato’ Mohd Shafiq Abdullah and Director-General Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah were also present.
The Blueprint aims to improve the current healthcare travel ecosystem, strengthen the Malaysia Healthcare brand, and broaden Malaysia’s healthcare offerings to more targeted markets. Key strategies of the Blueprint include:
- improving the quality of medical care,
- digitising the patient journey,
- continuing efforts to be a world-leading destination that provides affordable medical offerings to healthcare travellers, and
- elevating Malaysia’s offerings in hospitality alongside its’ position as a safe and trusted destination for both medical and leisure offerings.
As the agency in charge of the healthcare travel industry’s continued development, MHTC looks forward to fostering strong public-private partnerships, which have been an undeniable factor in Malaysia’s healthcare’s successful growth.
As the government continues to invest in this industry, the Council collaborates with key private-sector players such as healthcare, wellness, hospitality, tourism, transportation, and many others who have remained committed to furthering the industry’s growth.
The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Industry Blueprint 2021-2025 is a pertinent guideline for industry recovery in transitioning into endemicity, anchoring on public-private partnerships that have been proven to support Malaysia Healthcare’s growth thus far. Malaysia’s Healthcare’s continual success will be evident through empowered industry players who are aligned to the Blueprint, leading their respective roles with excellence.
The Blueprint will be implemented in two main phases, with the healthcare travel experience being the primary focus. The Recovery Phase (2021-2022) will reinforce awareness on Malaysian Healthcare’s world-class quality offerings, while the Rebuild Phase (2023-2025) will see industry players collectively working together to amplify awareness of Malaysian Healthcare’s niche offerings.
The Flagship Medical Tourism Hospital Program will be established by MHTC to further strengthen Malaysia’s position as a leading healthcare destination and to develop Malaysia as a retirement living destination.