Getting proper nutrition goes a long way in enhancing your health and strengthening your immunity

In the midst of this pandemic, besides adhering to the SOPs, enhancing your immune system is key to combating the serious effects of the Covid-19 virus.
Just to recap, there are five stages of the infection ranging from asymptomatic (Stage 1) to intubation (Stage 5) where chances of survival become slim.
So, we should focus on how to enhance our immune system. The Ministry of Health (MoH) and doctors continue to advise taking vitamin supplements namely Vitamin C and D3 as well as Zinc and Vitamin B.
There are many brands in the market which you can easily obtain. I am always surprised that many of my friends do not seem to care about maintaining their health either out of ignorance or having an attitude where if you get sick there is always a pill that can cure you.
So, they continue to indulge in all kinds of food, especially fast food. They are not bothered about what types of additives, taste enhancers, salt or sugar that are added to these foods. It’s part of modern food preparation.
Oh yes, these additives and enhancers are permitted by the health authorities before they are marketed. The problem is continued consumption over a period will cause negative effects to our blood and blood circulation such as high cholesterol, and increased sugar content, which are the main causes of diabetes, gout and other modern ailments.
Good nutrition is important
These problems have a serious impact on the efficiency of the blood to distribute nutrition, water and oxygen to all parts of our organs – the heart, lungs, brains and even our skin. A lack of exercise is also the main cause of non-communicable diseases (NCD), such as hypertension, diabetes, gout and skin diseases.
Proper nutrition need not be expensive. I told a friend who had just recovered from Covid-19 (Stage 2) to drink ginger and turmeric on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Also, to add about three date fruits for energy and a banana which is rich in potassium.
Just two slices of bread and eggs will carry him through till lunch. He told me that he was now able to sleep better and was ready to face the day in the office better as well as doing his supervisory rounds.
Taking an hour off in the morning or evenings to exercise or sweat it out is important to detox your body. I find that during this pandemic, more people are exercising outdoors either through brisk walking, jogging or cycling.
It is a pity that swimming is not allowed as it is the best form of physical activity to enhance your health. Nonetheless, these activities give one a sense of freedom and relieve from stress which definitely helps you to maintain your mental health.
Policies in conflict with reality
The increase in mental health problems has led to many incidences of suicide mainly due to economic problems and loss of jobs and stress. While these can be beyond one’s own control, health maintenance is actually within our control. It’s a question of knowledge and attitude.
Some turn to religion and spiritualism but physical activities via exercise is still the most effective way towards a balanced life. The concept of a healthy body and healthy mind certainly applies.
In the quest to help society cope with the pandemic, my doctor friends who are working hard as frontliners are sometimes highly frustrated at the situation. One of the reasons is the conflict between their experience on how to tackle the issues at hand and the bureaucracy they must adhere to because of policies that are in conflict with the reality in the frontline.
Their honorable principle of helping patients is the prime motivation to carry on with what they believe is right in saving lives.
While countries have successfully found the drug to bring down the infection rate and cure the infected, we are still debating and denying these protocols to control and flatten the curve. Of course, politics have got to do with this state we are in.
It’s not a joke when asking the doctor when the pandemic will end, as he will simply reply that he is a doctor not a politician!
Stop the political bickering
With the new government, will their hope for a better way of handling this crisis come to fruition or will this be the same old situation? Switching ministerial portfolios like musical chairs certainly doesn’t contribute much to our confidence, does it?
We cannot deny that we are the worst performing nation in handling this pandemic. The political crisis seemed to have been overcome with a change in leadership but we still hope that it is not just bad wine in a new bottle, as many have commented.
The concept of “Malaysian Family” proposed by the new Prime Minister is a good idea as he has called on all quarters, including the opposition, to come together to help solve this crisis as a family. The opposition has responded positively, and we hope that our politicians from both sides of the political divide will work together to find a solution.
A case in point is Japan which has just declared the official use of the drug Ivermectin as a part of the protocol to use in early intervention of Covid-19 positive cases. The Indian states of Goa, Uttar Pradesh (the most populous state) and New Delhi have been using this protocol as part of prophylaxis and treatment and have successfully brought infections and deaths down to a level where economic activities can resume.
Just like going back to old fashioned foods and healthcare, it may just be what we need for a united Malaysian society to tackle this pandemic. We have had enough of political bickering and betrayals. — The Health
ADI SATRIA, a veteran of marketing communications feels that commercialising fast foods and fizzy drinks have done more harm than good and it is time we go back to old fashioned food preparations minus the preservatives and enhancers, as well as taking time to exercise and smelling the flowers.