Countries that have succeeded in reducing the rate of deaths should be seen as a prime example of the use of relevant drugs to achieve it
As the world continues to be hit by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, besides vaccination, it continues to search for the miracle of a wonder drug to end this tragedy of mankind’s insatiable lust for power and wealth.
Malaysia’s efforts in controlling the spread of the virus does not seem to see any light at the end of the tunnel. The prolonged lockdowns have ironically actually increased the number of infections to five figures and the daily death toll has also hit the 200 mark.
The virus seems to be saying that not even a political emergency can stop its spread and it is as though it is giving the powers that be an excuse to hold on to their positions. Experts do not discount that the infections will continue as long as the rate of vaccination has not achieved its goal of herd immunity.
The new variants such as Delta are even more dangerous and the vaccination rate needs to be increased substantially from now on. Doctors, NGO’s and health activists have since the last one year, been advocating the use of Ivermectin as a key drug to use in early intervention for those who are infected.
Even without any drugs, 90 per cent of infected persons have successfully recovered, either at quarantine centres or at home. No drugs whatsoever were administered unless they had fever, which will be controlled by paracetamol. Those who recovered have a strong immunity system.
And in general, those who have health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma and general weaknesses are at risk of going into Stage 3 with pneumonia when they will have trouble breathing and require oxygen. At this stage too, many have survived but it puts a strain on the health facilities at hospitals.
For friends who are infected in Stage 1, many resort to traditional herbs, fruits, vegetables and vitamins B, C and D3 as well as zinc tablets to strengthen their immune system. This is the stage of early intervention where Ivermectin can be administered daily under doctor’s prescription.
Expert views and peer reports
In many countries like India, Philippines, Slovakia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and South America, this protocol has helped to not only reduce infections but more importantly, reduce the death figures. The drug can still be taken even if one has taken the vaccine. So, it is wrong to say that these are anti-vaxers as they have been made out to be by the anti-Ivermectin lobby.
Doctors who advocate the use of Ivermectin are aware of their work and protocol. Depending on the nature and state of the patient’s condition, vitamins and a cocktail of other drugs are also included.
Reports also mentioned about the effectiveness of Ivermectin as a prophylaxis, especially among health care workers and those working in a high-risk environment.
Before YouTube had suppressed information on the successful use of this drug, we could see many reports on its efficacy. We have also received expert views and peer reports.
The health authorities must continue to allow off label use of Ivermectin if doctors feel it is appropriate.
The announcement by the Health Director-General for doctors to apply for off label usage of Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19 is certainly welcome news. Let us hope that this will be a standard protocol in all government hospitals and private clinics.
The drug is cheap and from the numerous reports received worldwide, is effective.
There are already many peer group reports of its efficacy which one cannot simply ignore. Worse still, they are also spreading FUDs (fear, uncertainty, doubts) by spinning information that is half accurate and even out of context to the real issues.
Early intervention important
While we acknowledge the existence of new variants which are dangerous, we must also recognise alternative protocols especially Ivermectin that has been around for the last 30 years. Saving lives is the priority now.
Early intervention is necessary so that infected patients can be prevented from moving into Stage 2, especially those with low immunity and have underlying health issues.
I personally have received reports of positive patients who have recovered and the protocol used includes Vitamin C, D3, B and Zinc. For those in Stage 3 and 4, doctors will also include other drugs.
The bottom line is, we are all in a stage of discovering more information on the virus and countries that have succeeded in reducing the rate of deaths should be seen as a prime example of the use of relevant drugs to achieve it.
By summarily dismissing these protocols when doctors and experts have confirmed its efficacy, is downright irresponsible and can even be considered criminal.
When Parliament was in session, the Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC) in a media release on July 27, 2021, called for the emergency use of Ivermectin along with the vaccination program especially for general practitioners’ clinics early outpatient treatment. They contend that had it been allowed months ago, the epidemic would have been brought under control.
This can be seen in several countries where it was effectively used to control the spread of the disease, defying the WHO recommendation that Ivermectin not be used for Covid-19.
Let us hope common sense will prevail and we return to rebuilding our shattered economy. — The Health
Adi Satria is a marketing communications veteran who has been analywing the tons of information associated with the pandemic. The role of the major mainstream media and now the digital and social media platforms in advocating different protocols all point to the pharma war in influencing governments, lobby groups and the general public. The right information at the right time must always be the priority of media practitioners without fear or favor.