Through its upgraded laboratory, located in IMR’s laboratories in Setia Alam, Selangor, the Malaysia Automotive, Robotics and IOT Institute (MARii) and the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) have improved efficiency of sample preparation for the ImmuSAFE COVID+ Biochip Test.
MARii CEO, Dato’ Madani Sahari, briefed Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, on the MARii ImmuSAFE Smart Automation Line (SAL) during his visit to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on Nov 29, 2021.
Madani Sahari said: “Many of the technologies and design approaches used to improve the ImmuSAFE process came from the principles utilised in the mobility sector, an important focus of MARii.
“We are extremely happy that the same approaches have been utilised today in the bio-medical sector, and we hope more sectors can benefit from the numerous technologies developed through MARii and MITI, our parent ministry.”
The MARii SAL uses autonomous robots, intelligent monitoring systems, and MARii-developed big data analytics to improve the ImmuSAFE sample preparation process.
These systems improve the speed and accuracy of liquid handling during incubation, dilution, washing, and scanning of samples – all of which are critical components of the test that were previously hampered by bottlenecks.
At the same time, the MARii SAL dashboard, which tracks the progress of each sample and provides a real-time snapshot of daily targets, machine outputs, planned vs actual progress, quality performance, and operational efficiency monitors all processes within the laboratory.
ImmuSAFE, developed by MARii, IMR, and Sengenics, is the world’s first lab-based, multi-antigen and multi-domain Covid-19 serology test.
The ImmuSAFE test allows for quantitative analysis of the prevalence of protective antibodies against Covid-19 produced by the immune system in response to infection or vaccination.