Anora and Allianz General partners with envision digital
This MOU will offer solar photovoltaic (PV) owners in Malaysia both comprehensive protection and state-of-the-art digital monitoring services for their solar energy assets.
SolarPro, a pioneering solar PV system insurance protection solution underwritten by Allianz General and exclusively distributed by Anora, offers all-risk protection and covers loss or damage to solar PV systems and loss of income or savings due to system downtime.
EnOS, Envision Digital’s proprietary monitoring, advanced analytics, forecasting, and optimising application, currently manages more than 200 gigawatts of energy assets globally.
Driven by machine learning, EnOS will help owners of renewable energy assets, including solar PV installations, to better monitor and manage the performance of their assets, including proactively detecting and diagnosing emerging system underperformance or component health issues, as well as providing recommendations or interventions for pre-emptive or corrective action.
“Anora is committed towards the long-term sustainability of Malaysia’s solar PV industry,” said Samuel Soon, Anora’s Chief Executive Officer.
“While SolarPro has successfully addressed the protection gap in our solar PV industry, Envision Digital’s innovative digital monitoring system plays an integral part in increasing the reliability and longevity of the solar PV installations, thereby reducing overall operational and maintenance costs. Together, we help solar asset owners better secure their renewable energy investments,” added Samuel.
Chief Executive Officer of Allianz Malaysia Berhad and its subsidiary Allianz General, Zakri Khir said this was an exciting step for the company as the partnership with Anora and Envision Digital fitted seamlessly into Allianz Malaysia’s overarching goal of becoming key levers in building a sustainable future.
“As insurers, it is becoming increasingly apparent just how important our role is in driving the adoption of renewable energy and supporting the conversion to using solar power.
“Our continued partnership with Anora will enable us to provide comprehensive protection to solar PV owners, both residential and commercial. Now, together with Envision Digital’s EnOS, we will have access to much-needed advanced analytics and forecasts that are essential in risk management and the developing newer versions of SolarPro in the future as well,” said Zakri.
Renewable energy currently accounts for 18 per cent of Malaysia’s energy mix, with the national target to grow capacity to 20 per cent by 2025.
“The solar energy field is fast evolving with unprecedented developments and growth in recent years, and we are excited to work with Anora and Allianz General to promote the installation and adoption of natural energy sources and new technologies that support accelerated energy transition,” said Sylvie Ouziel, International President, Envision Digital. — @green