ProtectHealth Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (ProtectHealth) together with the Ministry of Health (MoH) set a new Malaysian record title ‘Most Vaccination Doses Administered In A Day’ and was recognised by the Malaysia Book of Records, through the National Covid-19 Immunisation Program (PICK) which has been implemented since February 2021.
This award resulted from the strategic Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) throughout PICK. This challenging yet rewarding programme was launched in an effort to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Malaysia.
To ensure that vaccinations are administered quickly to everyone, especially with the presence of new variants that are high-risk at that time, the Government has mobilised the entire machinery and cooperated with the private sector by forming the largest PPP in the healthcare industry led by ProtectHealth, in line with the “whole-of-nation” and “whole-of-society” approach.
The outbreak of Covid-19 had forced our health industry to reform and improve. This strategic PPP was formed to ensure accessibility to healthcare and comprehensive vaccination programme to all nations that no one is left behind.
MoH and ProtectHealth have worked together in leading PICK with more than 72 million vaccine doses administered to Keluarga Malaysia. On July 28, 2021 the highest number of daily vaccinations were recorded with 581,566 doses administered, resulting in the recognition by the Malaysia Book of Records.
Meanwhile, ProtectHealth CEO Dato’ Dr. Anas Alam Faizli hopes that this recognition from the Malaysia Book of Records will fuel the spirit for ProtectHealth to continue leading the PPP in the healthcare sector, as well as empower the country’s health system to become more resilient and robust in the future.
“There are wisdoms in every test we endure. The Covid-19 outbreak has brought up opportunities for collaboration that we never expected.
“With this meaningful award, I assure that ProtectHealth will continue to uphold the mandate entrusted by the MoH and continue to be a leader in healthcare PPP and improve the country’s health system by more involvement with stakeholders participation,” added Dato’ Dr Anas.
He also highlighted that the Record-Breaking Covid-19 Vaccination: Public-Private Partnership Report, which was also launched has successfully recorded all the meaningful events and achievements throughout the PICK and it will serve as an important reference material in the future.
The ceremony – Majlis Penganugerahan Malaysia Book of Records dan Pelancaran Laporan Record Breaking Covid-19 Vaccination: Public-Private Partnership, held on Sept 13, 2022, was also attended by MoH Secretary-General Datuk Harjeet Singh.