We should not mandate boosters to all groups irrespective of evidence as the significant issue of side effects is not acknowledged
Are boosters our escape route out of the Omicron variant? Is it science or science fiction?
What do we want ultimately? We want informed consent. We want to make decisions based on all available data. We want to hear voices from both sides and then make a decision.
What we do not want is mandating boosters to all groups irrespective of evidence. Boosters do not stop the transmission of Omicron. Omicron is the gamechanger that does not care if you are vaxed. It will still get you.
Then we have CDC withholding information regarding boosters in the 18 to 49 age group. Their excuse is they decided it was not ready for prime time viewing. But it just completely reeks of manipulation. The numbers have been hidden as they are not sufficiently exciting to promote boosters in that age group.
The other major issue of side effects is not acknowledged. We recently had invitro studies carried out by a diverse group of investigators showing the RNA from the vaccines are converted to DNA in the liver cells within six hours.
I have yet to meet anyone who does not know someone who has not experienced vaccine side effects. It is littered all over. But the ministry brushes this away with the tar of authority.
It should be an individual decision
From innocent issues like arm back pain lasting for weeks to prolonged fatigue, myocarditis, liver inflammation, headaches, night sweats, menstrual irregularities, blood pressure changes, autoimmune issues and tachycardia, the list goes on and on.
It was acknowledged to be mostly transient, but for some, it was for many weeks and months. Every day is a long day in that world.
We acknowledge long Covid-19. But vaccine side effects are hocus pocus. The mechanisms are the same.
Stop whining. When doctors tell you to stop whining, it means they do not know what they are dealing with. Myocarditis is dismissed as transient.
Myocarditis is almost always associated with scaring of the heart muscle. What are the long-term consequences? Do those presenting with myocarditis get routine cardiology referrals?
I have to reiterate this is not the view of an anti-vaxxer. This is about forced boosters during Omicron. Boosters do not stop Omicron transmission. They worked reasonably well with Delta.
Therefore, the argument of getting boosters for the greater good during Omicron does not hold water. It should be an individual decision regarding personal wants and don’ts.
The health minister in my view, who has been one of the better ministers during this pandemic, has joined the bandwagon in shouting out for boosters. According to his quarantine guidelines, there are many exemptions if you are boosted.
This is just “shiok sendiri”. — The Health
Dr Jeyarajah Sivalingam is a Consultant Physician at MAC Clinics